Abscess - pus collection, formed by the action of microbial agents;
Abrasion - loss of substance physiologic dentin by wear;
Acrylate - acrylic resin used in the manufacture of dental prostheses;
Adrenaline - substance used in slowing the absorption of anesthetics to increase its concentration loco-regional
Thrush - painful mouth disorder that manifests as a vesicle and the leaves break ulceration a small place;
Socket - the socket is implanted teeth, and that their extraction disappears;
Alveolitis - wet or dry infection located in the socket;
Amalgam - nefizionomic material used in large coronary destruction due to its strength;
Footprint - faithful copy negative of a prosthetic field, used for manufacturing mobile and fixed works;
Ankylosed temporo - mandibular, preventing the organic (welding leads condyle in glenoid cavity) jaw movements;
Anesthesia - a procedure which suppresses sensitivity (especially pain);
Apex - terminal portion of the tooth root tip;
Dental arch - all teeth implanted in the alveoli of the two jaws.
Edentulous break - resulting in the loss of the arch of one or more teeth;
Bruxism (grinding teeth) - parafunctie that occurs as a result of strong contraction of the muscles of the jaw high, often involuntarily, usually during sleep, leading to decay and the ATM changes.
Specially designed dental office-space and for achieving dental profession;
Pulp chamber - which houses the tooth pulp cavity dentin;
Root canal - canal that houses the dental package vasculonervous;
Canine - the most voluminous and powerful monoradicular tooth, tooth front group;
Dental caries - chronic destructive process that can lead to loss of substance while impaired dentin and pulp;
Cautery - haemostasis using chemical or physical agents;
Denture-lining process which significantly improves the stability and efficiency of a prosthesis using a acrylic;
Cement root - dental tissue, weakly mineralized, met the tooth root;
Curettage - labor performed using a curette for removal of pathological tissue in the walls of a cavity for therapeutic purposes;
Prosthetic field - all the tissues with which it comes into contact prosthesis;
Direct pulp capping - biologically conservative method, which aims at maintaining pulp vitality pulp by direct application of a substance harsh irritant, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory;
Indirect pulp capping - a procedure that ensures pulp protection against physical and chemical agents, using appropriate materials;
Consultation - the first stage of any dental treatment that your dentist diagnoses and indications for treatment of oro-dental diseases on a clinical examination and by completing a dental individual chips;
Crown Joint - a prosthetic hand made metal and a physiognomic;
Crackles - crackling noises or intraarticular, which occur due to various TMJ disorders.
Decapisonare - excision fibromucoasei covering molar crown, to facilitate its eruption;
Swallowing - physiological act which passes food bowl, reflex, from the mouth, the esophagus, the stomach;
Dentin - moderately mineralized layer, under glaze;
Dentition - the process of training and developing human teeth;
Scaling - therapeutic method, which removes supra and subgingival calculus deposits on the teeth and the works
Diastemas - interdental spacing of 2.10 mm between the two maxillary central incisors;
Diga - very thin rubber sheet that pierce the package and apply to the tooth in order to achieve a sterile surgical field;
Tooth - complex element masticatory apparatus, with action-dependent muscle strength;
Pain - alarm system, which the body triggers related to the occurrence of a pathological process.
Ectopy - the eruption of a tooth out of position normal alveolar arch;
Quincke edema - allergic injury is manifested by marked swelling of the eyelids and lips, impaired respiratory fuctiei.
Edentulous - physio-pathological condition that is characterized by loss of teeth in a dental arch 1-16;
Egresiune Dental - phenomenon of migration of a tooth occlusal overcome because of the absence or presence of an antagonist tooth infection.
Dental eruption - crossing physiological phenomenon of bone and gum fibromucoasei then by tooth that will protrude into buccal cavity.
Devitala removal - method of removing dental pulp after her insensibilizarea chemical means;
Vital extirpation - method of removing dental pulp after its anesthesia;
Extraction - surgical procedure to remove diseased teeth that cause and maintain pathological processes that can not be solved by other conservative treatments.
Facet - construction prosthetics that reconstructs the visible part of a tooth;
Fistula - channel format operator, whose role is to drain the secretions of glands or cavities;
Dental cracks - cracks in enamel or dentine plus enamel;
Fluoride - a chemical that increases tooth resistance to caries attack;
Fluoroprofilaxie - therapeutic method which aims to increase resistance to dental caries by administering agents that contain fluorine products;
Tooth fracture - injury enamel, dentin, cementum, dentin to forfeit substance with / without involvement of the dental pulp.
Mandibular fracture - interrupt the continuity of mandibular bone lesions produced by assaults, accidents, etc.
Dental drill - tools used to abrazarii, cutting dental hard substance, etc.
Gangrene - pulp tissue located in the septic process;
Gum - periodontal superficial component, package surrounding the tooth;
Gingivitis - inflammation of the periodontium of cover, manifested by changes in volume, color and texture;
Salivary gland - role tissue mass with the secretion of saliva in the oral cavity;
Tray - construction prosthetic mandibular fracture immobilization used or role in the process of whitening teeth.
Halistereza - reversible process of alveolar bone demineralization;
Haemostasis - stop a bleeding labor;
Herpes - vesicular eruption that commonly occurs in the lip, mouth corners;
Hyperesthesia - painful phenomenon occurs in the tooth due to the direct action of mechanical stimuli, thermal.
Dental implant - method that involves inserting a socket natural or surgically created a device that fits a crown on artificial
Immobilization Dental - methods that will strengthen teeth periodontal pluridentar in a block;
Impacted tooth - jaw dental anomaly characterized by alveolar staying in the bone after the period of eruption;
Infection - the pathological state caused by penetration and development in the body of a pathogen;
Pulp inflammation - all reactions and processes occurring in the pulp, due to the action of a pathogen.
Leukoplakia - oral mucosal lesion with malignant potential, favored by irritative factors (alcohol, tobacco, etc.);
Jaw dislocation - accident during tooth extraction in patients with increased joint laxity-capsulo;
Dislocation Dental - accident during dental instruments, tooth displacement that results from its socket.
Jaw - bone cell, horseshoe-shaped;
Mezializare - midline shift to the teeth;
Migration dentistry - tooth movement in different situations.
Cancer - a pathological process of formation of new tissue, tumor;
Neuralgia - pain that occurs along a nerve trunk.
Occlusion - static or dynamic relationship between dental arches;
Odontalgia - pain of dental origin, from different causes;
Orthodontics - maneuvers aimed at straightening teeth with malpozitii;
Osteitis - bone lesion itself, the nature of the infection.
Periodontium of cover - fibromucoasa covering surrounding alveolar bone and tooth package;
Marginal periodontium - complex tissues that fix the tooth into the alveolar bone;
Parotitis - inflammation of the parotid gland tissue;
Pedodontics - science that deals with the ontogenetic development of teeth and their main diseases;
Pericoronarita - septic complication occurring during the eruption of wisdom tooth;
Plaque - complex ecosystem that adheres to the teeth and can lead to cavities and tooth supporting tissues from damage;
Wound after extraction - Injuries resulting from extraction;
Pulp - loose connective tissue located in the pulp chamber and root canal;
Pulp - inflammation of the pulp due to the action of pathogens.
Rebase - complete replacement method bases a hearing without modifying the dental arch.
Sialoza - abnormal parenchyma of salivary glands;
Maxillary sinus - located inside the body cavity pneumatic jaw bone;
Enamel - well mineralized layer covering the entire crown of the tooth;
Stomatitis - inflammation localized to the mouth.
Dentistry intelligible - an innovative method of presenting patients as a movie disorders, developmental stages and intervention procedures.
Dental plaque - mineralized plaque deposited on tooth surfaces and other solid surfaces in the mouth;
Telescoping - phenomenon of maintaining partial denture by friction that occurs between two metal surfaces;
Treme - dentoalveolara disharmony manifested by interdental space between upper or lower teeth (except centralii senior);
Lockjaw - involuntary contraction of jaw muscles.
Ulcer - a solution of continuity in the tissue / mucous;
Ultrasound - used mechanical vibration displacement during ultrasonic scaler dental plaque;
Dental unit - the unit with appropriate equipment used in dental treatments.
Vesicles - elementary lesions occurring in various diseases.
Xerocheilie - dryness of the lips;
Xerostomia - dry mouth syndrome.