The Department of Software Development in Hack Dental establishes all the systems of the projects and solutions, from the software interface lay-outs with the user and the description of the work algorithms in pseudo language, to the technical requirements related to the programming, testing and evaluating of the software modules.
Here, also the splitting of the projects takes place, the goal being carrying out all their technical and medical aspects.
The activity related to the development of the software is extremely dynamic and it succeeds – through implementing the software - to ease the doctors and technicians’ work and to offer quality services to the patients. The development of the software becomes necessary when the standard solutions are not enough to reach the goal.
The validation of the software applications is done after a testing period in the Treatment Department.
The first step toward validation is using the application and the software in real situations in the dental clinic. Hack Dental also tests its products with the help of qualified collaborators. Not the least, the final verdict is given by the end-users. Thus, we aim to develop and improve our applications continuously.
You can download two of our software for free: